Friday, April 3, 2015

The 5LINX Agony Pt B

In case you didnt see the first part of this eye opening episode.  Get to see it here.

Listen closely.  The company would ONLY PAY an affiliate IF (and WHEN) a sale is made, that’s it.  It doesn’t pay for cheer leaders, doesn’t pay to wear suits and ties, they don’t pay for meetings, they don’t pay anyone to prospect (or better yet – pan handle) friends and family, they don’t pay to harass strangers, they don’t pay for restaurant presentations, yet these are the very things they strongly endorse affiliates and reps to continue to practice. 

This is not what people sign up for!!  People want relief from their life's issues.  
This is not even a ’’Home Based Business’’ like it tags itself.  This is glorified suit wearing peddling and panhandling in disguise.  Absolutely demeaning.

Every time I called up the upline sponsor about the difficulty and the mountain load of neck breaking costs I was running up, it was quickly dismissed with ’’you are not following the system’’ .... Its a programming.  They are programmed to mindlessly repeat it to their downline members who are not ’’duplicating’’ them. 

This is hard selling!! .... Something people DONT LIKE, and DONT WANT.   The promise is ’’you will make XX amount of dollars in YY amount of time if you do ZZ stuff’’  and when it doesn’t work out (like it never does for most people) the ready made excuse is that ’’they quit too soon’’ .... ’’This is not a get rich quick scheme’’ .... this thing is merciless shark!!!
After 7 Months of this 10 foot pole shoved down my nostril, I woke up and smelled the coffee and just dropped this liability like a bad habit !!

For far too long, and for decades this nonsense has continued this way.  So many people are brainwashed into thinking are ’’investing in their business’’,  and these are average working class people unprepared to carry business costs, and business in this manner is just a pocket draining money sucker.

It was seven months of people chasing, passing out flyers, being shunned & detested by relatives, money constantly flowing out of the pocket, HEY WAIT!!!!! A root canal job doesn’t last seven months. 

My inviting upline friend later on went to become a super-star with the company, a top recruiter, walked the stage, shared hugs, took photos with many dignitaries, received ’’MVP Award’’ from the company and then ..... BOOM !!!!!  She isn’t with the company any longer !!!!!  She wouldn’t give details about what happened, all she said is ....... ’’That was the first and the very last MLM she would ever get into, she doesn’t need a downline or a team to pay her bills, and she was going back to what she enjoys ..... Real Estate Investing!!’’  

I am hoping she wasn’t FIRED from the company,  because (oh yes this company indeed TERMINATES affiliates) something tells me she left on bad terms, as their dearest ’’Ms MVP’’ who just never got to the admired & prestigious position of SVP (Senior Vice President) and never got the BMW ...... Ms MVP may have separated with 5LINX on bitter and really bad terms. All that ’’Residual Income’’ she worked so hard to build ...... Sha-zaam !!!!  Gone!!!  Just like that. 

According to her ..... ’’She is not bitter, she is wiser’’ that told me if she had a chance to do it all over again, she would gladly decline!!?  That’s what I am hearing.   But what I would say is this, if you have friends and family members who need to throw away some money, send them to 5LINX, and make sure you join first B4 they do, that way 5LINX can throw some remains of it your way.    Just kidding, but seriously what I am saying is .....

Join at your own risk.    Look, working from home DOES NOT require meetings, DOES NOT require the involvement of friends and family, chasing people and baby sitting (AKA recruiting) is not a rewarding way to earn income, and it doesn't have to be a painful experience .... like trying to fill up a basket with water.  Its not gonna happen, that's MLM, and surely that was 5LINX.

My Final Word of Advice.  Do what your gut tells you.  if you feel its a good idea to jump in, go for it.  If your gut tells you to stay away, then save yourself the agony and disappointment shared by very many people.  Your money is best kept in your wallet, not in the coffers of some fortune 500 money grabbing company.

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